Monday, January 18, 2016

Yummiland Soda Pop Pets

Alright, now it's time to show you my Yummiland Soda Pop Pets collection. I'm not entirely sure exactly how many there are of these guys, or even when they first came out. I remember buying some in 2007 so I'm gonna guess somewhere around then.

Here's the collector's guide. This should be most of the soda pop
pets but I own some that aren't on this list and I've seen more that 
aren't on this list so, yeah, pretty confused. 

Soda Pop Pets are small scented pets that are all babies. These guys came in little bottles like the Yummiland girls, except they were much smaller and came with a velcro ribbon that you could tie around your neck. The caps on these bottles also had messages on them. Each pet came with a small removable pacifier that was held around their neck by a velcro ribbon, a bottle that would fit in their mouths, and a small cloth blanket. They all had diapers on and had bows that either had polka dots on them or stripes. 

I bought my first Soda Pop Pets in around 2007 and didn't buy TOO many more, but a fair amount. I bought two playsets and lost all the accessories from one and all but one accessory from another. I lost all their bottles, blankets, and bottles. I also snipped the ribbons off from around their pacifiers because some of their ribbons didn't want to stay fastened on.  Because the pacifiers are so easy to lose... I lost quite a few of them. :P And I lost a couple of the pets, but more on that later. Most of mine have lost all their scent from being stored together all these years. Let's show you my Soda Pop Pets collection! Besides showing you the pets I own I'll also tell you all the personalities I gave these guys when I played with them because I used to play with these guys a LOT.

My 17 pets!
They're grouped together by who they were originally sold with. 

I'm not going to list them all individually right here, so I'll just tell you about them as I show you more in depth pictures of them. To start, we have the first Soda Pop Pets I ever bought: 

(From left to right) Suzie Sweetpea and Bebe Baby Powder

My first few Soda Pop Pets have always been my favorites. Suzie and Bebe were always best friends when I played with them. Bebe tended to hang out with the tough crowd while Suzie always stuck to some of the nicer pets. Bebe always pretended she was really tough but deep down she was a softie. And Suzie was always really kind but wasn't afraid to stand up for what's right. 

I lost Bebe's pacifier ages ago and lost Suzie's too but found it in a box a couple years ago and so now she has it again, miraculously. Although you probably can't tell in the picture, both pets are really well-loved. Suzie's pretty beat up and Bebe's face is really yellowed. Geez, if they're looking this rough and they're not even 10 years old... I can't imagine what they'll look like in another 5-10 years! Now we'll move onto the next pets I got. Isn't it weird that after these years I can still remember the order in which I got some of them? 

These guys came together in a playset called "Super Sweet Snack Time"
From left to right they are: Sailor Cinnamon, Carly Carrot, and Yuki Yogurt

These guys are extremely sentimental to me because the day I got them was the day my cat Rodman died. It was the first time I'd ever lost a pet before and it was really hard. I can still remember sitting with them at the kitchen table the day I got them and playing with them. When I played with them, Sailor was always the leader of the tough group of pets and she loved to pick on poor Yuki. Carly, who was always levelheaded, would be sure to put a stop to it. Carly was always looking out for the little guy while Sailor was looking out to crush them. And Yuki was just a smart alec and loved to correct other pets. One thing that always confused me was Sailor. What the hell IS Sailor? Is she a bunny? A mouse? Who knows!

I lost all the accessories from the playset they came in, including this really cute box of corn flakes. You may notice I lost Yuki's pacifier... Well, for many years I actually lost Yuki as well! I lost Yuki for a long, long time and never thought I would find her again. Then one day in late 2011 I was playing with this white castle toy that I got at KB Toys ages ago. The spires on this playset were removable, and I happened to remove one of them and almost crapped my pants when I saw Yuki Yogurt wedged in there. That's where she'd been, all this time! I'd probably had Yuki be forced into that spire when Sailor and all her friends had been bullying her and forgot about her all that time! Too funny. Also, all these guys are beat up but Sailor and Carly are more beat up than Yuki because for years I could never play with Yuki since I lost her. Anyway, that's enough about them. Now onto my next playset. 

These guys came together in a playset called "Cutie Critter Nursery"
From left to right: Suki Strawberry, Abby Apricot, and Pammy Plum

Haha, again another pack that has a confusing animal in it. For years I never knew what exactly Pammy was but now I'm pretty certain she's a lamb. Also, as you might notice I was able to save one accessory from their playset: The little crib they came with! I think I also have a small stuffed rabbit that came with this playset around here somewhere but I didn't feel like digging it up for the picture. Suki actually got lost for a brief while a bit after I got her but I found her in this glittery purple case one day. I have no idea why I put her there. I only lost her for a couple weeks or months, not years like how I lost Yuki.

When I played with them, Abby was a part of Sailor and Bebe's tough crew. She was the strong silent type and would usually do whatever Sailor told her. Suki was the sister of my other cat Soda Pop Pet, Penny Peach. Both of them hardly ever talked and they mostly hung around each other but sometimes hung around Suzie Sweetpea. Pammy Plum was really sweet and shy and she was one of Suzie's best friends. Now we move onto some of my other pets. 

From left to right: Sarah Cereal, Penny Peach, Haley Honey, and Payton Pudding

Sarah Cereal and Penny Peach came together. When I was little I liked to pretend that Sarah's nut was actually an oddly shaped baby bottle, haha. :P Sarah was Sailor's right-hand man--er, squirrel--in her tough little outfit. Sarah and Penny used to be best friends, but after Sarah joined Sailor's group she pretty much cut Penny off. Penny just went back to her sister Suki Strawberry and tried to forget all about Sarah. 

Moving onto Haley and Payton. I thought Haley's kitty mold was adorable and for ages I really wanted either Haley or Cece Sweet Potato, another cat in Haley's mold. Well, one day I was finally able to get Haley. The sad part is that she never really "came alive" to me like the other pets did. It's like that a lot when I buy a toy I've really wanted. They just don't come alive. Anyway, I just made Haley a mute. She never really talked but the other pets always thought she was intimidating because of her large size. Payton, however, was always pretty rude to other pets and only hung around Haley. 

Now onto their defects. Penny's an interesting case. Unlike Suki, she actually has claws painted on. And yeah, she is missing her pacifier but she's also got this purple dot on her nose that's either there because of a factory defect or because I did something to her nose. There's nothing really wrong with Haley, except her tail and body are a different color but you can't see that in the picture. And there's nothing I can think of that's wrong with Payton either. Now we move onto the last pets I got. These next pets I got for Christmas in... 2008? Is that right? 

Pinkie Popsicle

Pinkie's different than my other pets. She was sold singly, and her pacifier is larger than that of the other pets. She's also missing an ear! Yeah, one day I just... pulled it off for some reason. Unlike my Yummiland pet Betsy Bubblegum Bunny, her ears weren't removable and I just ripped one off. I always pretended Pinkie was really wacky and silly and loved to drive her bumper car around and annoy everybody else. She liked to hang around with the other silly pets. 

And the last pets we have are the silly ones! I, erm, forgot to take a picture of them today and don't feel like taking another one... So instead you can have one from 2012 that I took with my DSi! Hurray!

From left to right: Parker Peanut, Isabella Ice Cream, Mallory Marshmallow, and Pooky Pretzel.
Parker & Isabella came together, and Mallory & Pooky came together

So yeah, I never really liked these guys all that much. The silly pacifiers weren't really my thing, so I usually just took them off when I played with them. My favorite of these guys was Mallory, because of course she's a cute little kitty and she also smelled really good. She reminded me of shampoo. Isabella smelled nice, and Pooky smelled salty and Parker smelled... like spices? That's the only way I can describe it. I hated it. But Parker is cute, I have to admit. 

All the silly pets were made fun of by Sailor's group because of what they wore, but Mallory put an end to all this teasing by saying that appearances don't matter in the long run. Because of this she was accepted into Sailor's group, and she would always stop them from doing anything too stupid. Isabella was very fancy-schmancy and pretentious. I don't even remember who she used to hang around. Pooky and Parker were actually the only boys in my collection, and they loved to hang out together and do stupid guy things. Pinkie used to hang around them too, even though she's a girl. They didn't mind. 

Geez this is another long post. I tell myself, "Don't go online too long today!" And so what to I do? Spend forever making two posts on my blog. Oh well at least I had fun doing it. :P Bye for now!

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