Sunday, March 6, 2016

Childhood online games

These are the main online games I used to play when I was a kid. The first game I ever played was Neopets. I never did the boards because that was restricted to me 'cause I was too young. I got into Neopets in like 2013 and occasionally go on there now. I still follow a lot of Neopets blogs on Tumblr for some reason though?? I don't know. Here are all my pets, and no I haven't fed them in a while because I don't care.

Seven years. Jesus Christ.

Ah yes, you may see I have a gallery specializing in gross foods. 

Some time after that I started playing Poptropica. My main accounts were named Purple Seal, Comical Seal, and Comical Peanut. I imagined they were all sisters. I played on Comical Peanut the most so I'll show you that profile. All her friends on there are some of the bajillion other accounts I made on there. Seriously I made so fucking many. Not even joking one day I made like forty different accounts, then lost the paper I wrote all the info on. Ah, Poptropica has so many nice memories. One of my old friends and I used to go on there and play islands and she used to help me with some of them. 

She has the 24 Carrot ears on because I was replaying that island. It was always my fav.

Now they've switched to having a shitty membership service and they have all these new stupid islands that frankly I'm not interested in. 

Now Moshi Monsters. I started playing this around 2010 or something?? I had a couple side accounts but I played on my main the most. I had oodles of friends on there and actually had a membership on there for a while! That's only because I could buy a membership card from Walmart without Mom having to pay online with her credit card, which she didn't wanna do. Anyway, here's part of the room on my main Moshi Monsters account, audpnut5600.

Jesus this is an old screenie, I have G1-G4 Twilight as my Firefox background!
(Btw, you can clearly see I'm literally ROLLING IN the rox)

Like Neopets, I never really used the forums when I went on there when I was little. I'm sure as hell glad I didn't because I went on there when I was like 14 and it was filled with a bunch of assholes. I even got into this petty fight on there with this stupid bitch who insisted I respect her and not crack harmless jokes on her threads. What a loser lmao. 

Now Fantage! I started playing this in May 2010. I had three accounts: A main and two sides. I always loved Fantage. I met my first real internet friend on there, named Desiree. We talked on there occasionally and it was fun as hell. I wonder whatever happened to her?

Here's my profile on there:

I saved this next one specially for last because sometimes I still get sad when I think about it. Build-a-Bearville, or as it later came to be known as simply Bearville. Out of aaaaaall the games on here I used to play Bearville the most. They shut it down last spring and I was so sad. I took screenshots of some things there so I would always be able to remember them.

I started playing Bearville in May 2009 after my friend (the one who I used to play Poptropica with) got me a gift card for BAB workshop for my birthday. I got my first bear there, Pink Rainbow, and started playing on the online game. Then at the end of that year I got my second bear, Stuffles, and then the following spring I got my next bear, Shamrock01. Around my birthday I got another one, Stripe. When I got her I got to talking to the cashier and I even did this quest for her on Bearville and she gave me a code for this inflatable ice cream hot air balloon. It was fun as hell. Then eventually I got another bear named Cocoa, another one named Lilac, and finally when I entered sixth grade I got my seventh and final bear--er, bunny--Flopsy May. I also had two Smallfries, a cat and a mini version of Pink Rainbow who I named Purple Rainbow. 

I remember every summer they used to have this "summer camp" called Camp Happy Heart and I always used to play it. It was so fun. And they used to have songs you could play on there that were bear themed, and the minigames you could play on there were fun, and I just loved all of it. I'm still salty about how they shut it down. Anyway, to conclude this post here are my Bearville screenies:

My profile: Clothes page.

My profile: Bears page.

My profile: Vehicles page

My profile: Bear's clothes page.

The exterior of my house. I had all three party rooms, a bunch of other rooms,
and I had a finished exterior so of course a bunch of people always came there. 
You can see somebody was there when I took this screenshot too.

RIP Bearville 2008-2015
You will be in our hearts forever

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