I've only played with Kelly today, so I have no idea why
it says I've played with all of them.
I got Ginger first, then Soft (she was expensive and is some sort of deluxe pet??), and then I got Hoppy virtually for watching this ad for that Easter movie called Hop with Russell Brand and the lady who plays Penny in the Big Bang Theory. Sky, Solstice, and Kelly are all mini pets that I got some time later. Kelly is my newest pet. My cat used to love to play with Kelly when he was a kitten.
He's so TINY here!! <3
Anyway, my Webkinz membership has expired so I'm not a "full" member anymore. They've revamped a lot of stuff such as the dock and they have some new shops too. Like they have another clothing store that mostly seems to have a bunch of expensive ass clothing?? I'm also a bit sad because a lot of the features on there aren't accessible to me and are only accessible to either full members (meaning when you've paid for a plush toy) and deluxe members (when you pay extra for a deluxe membership. I used to HATE all that membership shit when I was little).
As you can see I've been playing Webkinz for a little over six years. Jeeeeezus. Hilariously enough, I never got to play Webkinz for the first couple months because I lost my username and password but I eventually found it written on the back of the envelope. Even more hilariously, my username: Cutiegirlygirl56. What was going through my head when I did that? No idea.
Now for the second half of the post: The goddamn stories I have on here. For the record, I don't remember writing ANY of these. I remember seeing that you could make these, but when I read these over again I became completely confused.
The title honestly kills me.
I actually laughed reading this.
This one confuses me so bad. I always hated that Arte guy, why did I write something about him? Also, why is it called The Craziest Day if he dug for thirty years? Also, the EARWAX????
Here's another crazy story. I must've liked using crazy... And having titles that don't pertain to the story in the slightest?? I swear I was high my entire childhood.
What a twist at the ending.
This one is so boring.
When reading these I also noticed this bastard's comment:
For unknown reasons, Webkinz always used to shorten usernames to only the first 3 letters.
BOL, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my stories... But please stay on topic. This is NOT the time to advertise about your stupid damn items, do you think I care? Do you think I care, BOL? I am trying to provide STORIES for the YOUTH of Webkinz!!
Now these Webkinz stories were actually pretty shitty. I remember I got excited to make some when I first discovered them but basically they're just generated by what genre you want it to be (comedy, action, adventure, etc) and if you want it to have one or two characters. Then it fills in all the rest and there are some blue words highlighted and you can change them to make it your own. How bland and boring. So basically almost all the stories are the same, which makes it really... impersonal?? I mean, I don't know. I don't know why I'm bitching about this small feature on Webkinz for so long lmao.
Anyway here's my dining room because for some reason I'm proud of how nice this room is??
Please ignore the book sitting on the floor.
Ah shit, now I feel compelled to make another post about other childhood games of mine. Well, you just wait for that post.
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